copywriting perth, copywriter perth

Why is copywriting important for website content?

We see so many clients come to us much later in their business after they have their awesome, professionally designed logo and their brand spanking new, fancy website.

After spending so much on the ‘image’ of their brand, they look at the cost of hiring a copywriter and think, “It’s not a priority right now, that part is easy enough to just do myself.”

The trouble is that as a business, your brand is more than just pretty logos and great website, it’s the content, or the ‘copy’, that ties it all together and speaks to your potential customers.

Good, creative copywriting, and clear, grammatically correct content, establishes trust and communicates to your audience that yes, this business will be a good fit, they ‘sound’ like what I need.


It’s the ‘sound’, or ‘tone’ of your website content that is crucial in helping you target the right kind of customer, the client that you want to work with. Once you have identified who that client is, your copy must reflect that, and essentially be talking directly to them when they read your content!

One client of ours is a gorgeous, bubbly lady who is all about a personal relationship with her clients and creating almost a family within her business which provides children’s sports classes.

Unfortunately, her content didn’t reflect that at all! It was stilted and dry, very basic and filled with errors. Conversely, as soon as we started our face-to-face meeting, I already wanted my kids to be able to have lessons with her – and I don’t even have any!

Her website content didn’t have the personality that she needed to convey to visitors who she and her business really were, and her fun, warm and vibrant personality was her biggest selling point!

We always tell clients that a copywriter exists to tell the story of their business. People connect with the story behind the brand, and making sure it’s personality and mission is conveyed through your content is the best way to make people want to keep reading – and ultimately choose you over your competitors!

So our challenge to you is to go read through your website content with fresh eyes.


Ask yourself,

  1. Does this sound like me?
  2. Is this attracting or speaking to my target audience?
  3. Is it aligned with how I want my business to be perceived?


If you are in doubt about any of those feel free to get in touch, we absolutely love helping businesses authentically convey their message, voice and personality through great website content!