When was the last time you reviewed your website?
Not just a cursory glance at the home page, but reviewing it like a real visitor would; clicking links, checking functionality, making sure the content and copy is still on-brand and current… there is a lot that can slip through the cracks when it comes to websites.
They are most definitely NOT a set-and-forget business tool.
I visited the website of a business women I met recently in order to refer her to a client of ours. I tried clicking her ‘booking’ link to get some extra details to pass on and discovered it didn’t actually work!
The whole point of your website to provide information that gets your visitors to connect, contact or book in. If they can’t do that quickly and easily, you might as well have spent your website budget on a holiday – you’ll get the same amount of business from it!
Regular website reviews are vital to ensuring your investment is performing like it should – you don’t want to miss out on business because of a simple glitch or missing link.
How to quickly review your website
Step one. Grab a coffee.
Step two. Pick a customer journey – pretend you want to ‘learn more’, book a specific service or find contact/location details – and go through your website with that intention.
For example. If you want to ‘learn more’; start at the home page and view with fresh eyes.
- Does it quickly show the basics about your business and service offerings?
- Are the images recent and attention-grabbing?
- Do you have interesting headlines that catch the eye?
- Is your menu clean and easy to navigate?
Put yourself in your customers shoes, click the links they would and see what jumps out at you first on each page; is it relevant and interesting?
For some extra help, we wrote a quick website copy health checklist with 8 copy areas to consider while you review.
Remember – people only spend few minutes on average on a site, so your review shouldn’t take much more than that.
This isn’t an SEO review or anything super technical – this is purely to see what your customers see, and check if it is representing your business effectively and accurately.
Your website is working 24-7 meeting and greeting your potential customers, presenting valuable information on your business and collecting the details of people you might want to do business with.
Make sure you are looking after it with regular website reviews – and it will look after you!
If you don’t think your website is up to scratch but aren’t quite sure where to begin, we offer a Website and Marketing Review service so you get the benefit of our professional eyes and advice, along with tips and strategies for improvement.
If you think a session is just what you need – get in touch to book in!