Did you know the About page is the 2nd most visited page on a website?


Gulp. Did you read that and think, “But I don’t even know what mine looks like!”?

When writing website content, most people focus on the Home and Service pages. The Homepage is 100% important, that’s where you grab the attention of your visitors so they want to find out more.

But once you have grabbed their attention – guess where they go?

Consumers of today are very interested in what goes on behind the brand. Who you are, why you do what you do and what makes you different than all the other people they could buy from.

Think of your About page content as imaginary notecards written for your first date. What would you write so you can get across the best picture of who you are?

date about us page copywriting perth

When writing the copy for your website, a big part of making sure people actually read it isn’t just about ticking the box of, we provide the services XYZ you are looking for. It’s just as important to show you are a genuine person/company, with a brand they can get behind.

Do you believe in helping the community?

Do you do things differently to those in your industry?

Why did you start your company?

Do you have a story behind why you do what you do?

Believe it or not, the story or the “why” of what you do will very often be the deciding factor in them choosing you.

Things like price, convenience and brand recognition will all come into play, but having an authentic and well-crafted About page batting for you can help sway their decision-making process.

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So, what should you write?

Always think of your target audience when writing any and all copy, be it website content or marketing material. Step in their shoes – what would impress, interest or engage them?

The most important thing is to be real. The human element is the best seller – without having to sell.

Give a sense of who you are. Are you fun? Environment-loving? Community-focused?

Was your mother a master baker and now you have followed in her footsteps? Give us the story – and photos! Offer a free recipe download of the first cake you ever baked.

Do you support a local charity with every service? Why that charity?

Do you have a dog who is your office mascot? Share a photo and his “team bio”.

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When people feel they connect with you, they will buy from you over the most ‘professional’ of companies.

Don’t make things up to sound good. Be real and authentic, then you will find conversions happen with clients you will love looking after because they are your kind of people.

Other content to include:

  • Testimonials, awards, case-studies etc. (great for building credibility)
  • Your business mission and vision statements
  • The core values of your business
  • Team profiles

Don’t ramble on for days, but do include enough information so that when they are finished, the person reading feels like they know you and your company enough to trust you with their business.

Tip – Include a call to action at the bottom of the page; send them to your blog, your services page or to contact.

You started your business for a reason and love what you do. Your About page simply tells that story to the world – so make sure it is doing you justice!

Want help with your website content? Check out our services – our copywriters love creating About pages for awesome businesses!