Hats Off Copywriting is recharged after the recent holidays. We started the new year by reviewing what we’ve done in the past, and how we can provide new or additional services in 2025. In the meantime, we are delighted to still be working with our existing...
After years of being the primary word hat wearer at Hats Off Copywriting, I’m pleased to announce our new content creator, writer and editor, Karen Doane! After years as a sports journalist and tv producer in the USA, Karen has been tapping the keyboards here in...
If you are a service-based business, you’ll need to add your services to your website so people can see what you, how you do it and, ultimately, decide that you are the right business to do it for them! Just to clarify, writing for a services page is very different to...
If your business is one of the many which has slowed down, or maybe even been forced to push pause, there are still many ways to ‘redeem the time’ and keep building your online presence and give your business the best chance of getting through this time. In saying...
You may have realised by now, but we are huge advocates of businesses having a blog Why? Do you have a website for your business? Do you want customers to: – Find you online? – View you as an industry expert? – Share your business with others? Then you need a regular...
Are you a small business owner who would love some advice and training in all things digital – without it costing you a fortune? We have recently partnered with The Business Station and their new ASBAS Digital Advisory program to offer Copywriting and Digital...